Frequently asked questions

Car search and price calculation

Which vehicles are listed at Orderyourcar?

Orderyourcar quality criteria

We deliberately limit the number of vehicles we register on our platform to offer maximum quality and safety to our customers.
This includes a price threshold below which we find no sense in comparing.
Our quality criteria are:

  • Price over 25000 euros.
  • Kilometers up to 125000 km.
  • Only offers from official dealers.
  • Offers that include photos.
  • Non crashed cars.

If you are interested in a vehicle with different criteria we will be happy to help you. Please contact us.

Can I also buy a car that is not on the Orderyourcar list?

Yes, you can buy a car that you have found off the list. Our selection criteria are based on the experience we gained importing many cars over time. Nevertheless, there are still good, reliable offers in the market that may not meet the strict criteria of Orderyourcar, but we will be happy to support you!
We continue to support the entire car purchase process for these cars and deliver them to your door.

Is it true that cars outside Greece are cheaper?

Yes! If a vehicle is imported from Germany, the special registration fee (RF) must be paid in addition to the price of the vehicle. Despite this additional tax, there are many vehicles in Germany, which are still significantly cheaper than in Greece even after paying the RF. The biggest difference though is that the specific cars have better equipment than what they may find (or not) in Greece. A comparison is definitely worth it.

How is the price of a car calculated in Greece;

The price of a car in Greece is calculated based on the retail value before taxes, the so-called customs.
The Registration Fee (RF) is calculated separately for each car and is different in each case.

I am looking for a specific car, model and color. How can Orderyourcar help me?

In Orderyourcar you will find car ads that come from the largest car ad platforms in Germany and so the chance of finding a rare color or some special equipment is much higher! Nevertheless if you are still not covered we can we find the car you want and we will be happy to handle it for you!

Do you have more questions? Write us your questions and we will answer you as soon as possible.

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